Olympic bronze medalist Juliette Haigh was one of the swimmers who took part in last weekend’s hugely successful State Sand to Surf in Mount Maunganui. Juliette took part in the 2.6km distance with her usual enthusiasm and passion finishing in a time of 47 minutes and 16 seconds.
“I’ve been wanting to do another ocean swim for a long time and this is the first one that I’ve been able to fit into my schedule. My Dad often swims in the State NZ Ocean Swim series so I thought it would be nice to do a swim event together. It’s one of the many things I haven’t been able to do while I’ve been focused on my rowing,” she says.
Juliette, who lives in Cambridge did her training at Cambridge Pool and St Peters School pools as well as a couple of training swims in Takapuna with her Dad.
In 2010 she had taken part in the Harbour Crossing swim but says that this time around she was much more prepared which made her feel far more comfortable.
“I’ve absolutely loved getting back into swimming, it’s such a great summer sport! I also love being able to compete in a sport again as it’s been seven months since the Olympics and I’m definitely ready for some new sporting challenges.
Scott Rice, State NZ Ocean Swim Series, Event Director, says; “ It’s great to see our series attract so many famous faces like Juliette rubbing shoulders with other swimmers of all ages and abilities who are all achieving their goals.”